My next graphic novel, SISTERS, will be out one year from today! I know that seems like a long time, but I'm still drawing it. I'll finish up the art around New Years, then the book goes into production (more about what that means here and here), and the finished product will be in stores on September 1, 2014. I hope to announce book tour dates sometime late next summer.
I've been posting process shots over on Facebook and Instagram (@goraina). Here's just a little bit of the work in progress that is making a 200-page graphic novel...
I think it will be worth the wait!
Anyway, all is not lost! I've got short stories in several anthologies coming out between now and Sisters' release date:
Fairy Tale Comics
I wrote and drew an 8-page Rapunzel story.
In stores September 24!
Explorer: The Lost Islands
I drew a 16-page story, written by Dave and colored by Braden (who is also coloring Sisters!).
In stores October 15!
Funny Pages: Recess I wrote and drew 14 pages for this anthology. In stores July, 2014!